Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sing Your Way Home

Title: Sing Your Way Home
Author: Jodi Picoult (I obviously had some catching up to do)
Published: 2011
Pages: 466
Days it took me to read it: 6 hours
Rating 2.5

Favorite Quote: Honestly do not have a fav from this book really..

Review: Well as you can see in my past 3 posts, all I did this weekend was read. I told my co-worker that I read 3 books and she was like 'WHAT?' I guess that is a lot for a normal person but who ever said I was normal? So this is the latest in Jodi's collection and I have to say it's probably one of my least favorites, along with 'The Tenth Circle' which I had to force myself to finish. This is about a couple who tries IVF and loses a baby. They divorce and the husband finds Jesus and the wife finds love with another woman. Let me just say, I am not anit-gay. I feel that everyone has a right to do what they want with their life - but this book just wasn't my thing. I mean I felt that it gave Christianity a bad rap because of how pushy, showy, and closed minded the husband and pastor were. I understand that it is a sin to be gay, I also know though that God does not want us to judge others. He wants us to love one another...

I did like Zoe's job, a music therapist. I did think it was pretty cool that this book came with a CD. Jodi actually wrote the lyrics and then a friend of her's sang the songs and brought Zoe to life. That is pretty darn cool! I will say this book was an easy read, and as always Jodi's characters are easy to relate to; it just wasn't my kind of book. It did have a great ending though which I was happy about especially after reading 'Handle With Care's ending. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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