Title: Happy Accidents
Author: Jane Lynch
Published: 2011
Pages 302
Days it took me to read it: 4 hours
Rating: 3.5 stars
Favorite Quote: "Find what you do best and do your best with it"
Review: I was telling my friend Bayley how I had wanted to read Tina Fey's "Bossypants" (which I still do!) and she told me there was another funny lady's book I should read - Happy Accidents. I have watched a bunch of Jane Lynch's movies - Best in Show, 40 year old Virgin, Role Models. She is hilarious. I guess you could say I am a fan but not obsessed, and I'm not a fan of Glee. The book was interesting to read how she got into her acting career (she really wasn't 'found' until her mid-40s!) She lived and worked in Chicago until her late 30's so as she was writing about places it was pretty cool to know what she was talking about.
After she talked about some of the movies I had seen her in, it made me want to watch them again because most of them are improv which I thought was just fantastic and now knowing that I want to watch them again. If you need an easy read, know who Jane Lynch is then yes I would say go for it and read it. But if you have something else that you've been looking forward to reading - go for that one first.
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