Title: Waiter Rant
Author- The Waiter
Published: 2008
Pages 302
Days It took me to read it: 2
Rating: 4.5
Favorite Quote: It's actually a whole paragraph where he goes into detail about Mad Cow disease for an asshole customer that wanted to make sure he wouldn't get it eating their steak. I love putting customers in their place and making them look stupid at the same time:)
Review: I think if you have ever dined in a restaurant you need to read this book. I have been a server before so I could relate to 'the waiter' page after page. I liked reading the situations he's been in and know that it doesn't matter where you are in the country people really are the same. It makes you realize you really should not take anything personally when it comes to customers in a restaurant because if they were not yelling at your and calling you an idiot it would just be some other person.
I think it's great that he kept his identity a secret throughout the years that he wrote his blog (this book is based on a blog, whoops did I fail to mention that in the opening paragraph?) The very last page in the book he gives up his name: Steve. Then again it could be a made up name that he just decided to put in the book.
Again this is a great book, easy read and a 'Can I getta AMEN' if you've ever worked in the restaurant industry.
Next Read: The Omnivore's Dilemma
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