Title: 'The Reading Promise'
Author: Alice Ozma
Published: 2011
Number of Pages: 270
Days it took me to read it: 2
Rating 2.5 stars
Quote: 'Though you couldn't see the sun through the small window behind us, there were no clouds in sight and the sky was the color of an Easter egg, freshly dyed and still dripping from the experience.'
**in reference to their grandma's cat....'She absolutely oozed hatred like no other creature before or since.'
Review: I picked this book up and decided to get it after I read the summary. The idea that a father and daughter read together for 3000+ nights rocks my mind. It inspires me to read to my kids when they are growing up, maybe even after they know how to read even. My mom read to me growing up and I love it; I guess it never crossed either of our minds to continue (although I feel now that I am out of the house it would be a silly topic to bring up) I have to say this book was easy to read due to her simplistic writing style. Alice is only 22 and this is her first book (Weird that I'm jealous?) I do not think I would read it again however due to the fact that I did not view any of the characters as 'friends'.
I also did not like the way her father spoke to her at times, although this could be reader's error and could have been the way I interpreted it. I give her props to the fact that she didn't have a ghost writer and that she was able to spit out 270 pages (my new goal for my book at least, if she can do it, damn it so can I!) Anyway , 'The Reading Promise' was a decent, light-hearted book but one that I would not run out and buy-which is why I love the library:)
Next Read: The Starter Wife
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