Monday, August 29, 2011

What the ???

I was in line today at the library, had a stack from my hip to my ears! I waited patiently in line as the other patrons were being helped. I did what I always do and flipped through each book, thinking about which I would read first. As I was reading the first few pages of  'Calender Girl' it dawned on me that I had read it already; now I don't mind re-reading books but this is one that I remembered that was not worth my time a second go around. I decided that it might be fun and interesting to keep a blog of what I'm reading, not only for myself but others as well. It's always nice to see what others are reading and what they think of the books. If nothing else this will be a great way for me to keep track of what I've read and what I'm willing to re-read again. Of course, this blog may change or vary but for the most part I think I will keep it simple and something like this:

Published Date
Number of Pages
Rating (out of five *'s of course)
Days it took me to read it
My review
Worthy of a re-read

I think this will be interesting and I'm challenging myself to keep this for at least a year to see what I've read over the span of 365 days. The title of my blog should be self explanatory or at least I feel it should if you've ever picked up a book and read. I think you can pick up a book anywhere you are and be welcomed by new and old friends alike. These friends will not judge you, they open their world up to you and take you away from the 'every day life' whenever you need a break. A book can comfort you, expand your mind, help you grow as a person even. With all of that said; I'm off to read!


  1. I like your last paragraph!! Of course I have felt that way for years already that books are the best friends I have...some better friends than others...the ones I read and read again and "vacation" books..the ones I always take with me to the beach!!

  2. but wait a minute....where is your list!!!!!!!!!???????????!
